Monday, October 22, 2012


My existence will always be a titleless piece of memory to you...
I at least know this fact so well that it's hurt...
Too painful...
Too much to bear...
I'm suffocating...
And breathless...

Friday, October 19, 2012


Just don't feel like I'm living at all...
Work up early this morning...
So much energy and motivation at that moment...
After the morning bath...
I just...
Can't lift even one limb...
Have two tests today...
Don't feel like doing them at all...
Should I screw then?
I know I better not...
Nothing could make me brighten up...
*sigh heavily*

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It's sunny today... The sky...
But in my mind... Quite cloudy...
I think I would never be able to have any joyful day at school...
Being a senior is troublesome...
Have to preparing for this and that...
To be honest... I'm tired...
I have a job and my mom was right...
Once you start working...
You wouldn't want to sit your ass down again...
I seriously hate school and just want to get out of it...
My job is awesome...
The world out there where there're people needing my effort...
And I like that feeling...
Being useful and stuff rather than just be some kid needing the adults...
Not that I claimed my independence...
But seriously stuffs you learn at school are useless once you walked out the door...
No one selling y=x+2 outside this closed world called school ground...

Oppressed... Tired... Bored...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Tonight is not so much of a pleasant...
Outside is so damn hot...
And the inside is just slightly better...
Fans and AC are both on...
But seriously...
This heat is pushing my limit far off to the moon...
The hell I though winter was coming...
Why so hot indeed...
I'm dying here in this pool of my own sweat...


I'm not really sad right now...
But I rather not say I was happy...
My mind is blank...
My heart is empty...
And my body is cold...

Plain day...