Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It's sunny today... The sky...
But in my mind... Quite cloudy...
I think I would never be able to have any joyful day at school...
Being a senior is troublesome...
Have to preparing for this and that...
To be honest... I'm tired...
I have a job and my mom was right...
Once you start working...
You wouldn't want to sit your ass down again...
I seriously hate school and just want to get out of it...
My job is awesome...
The world out there where there're people needing my effort...
And I like that feeling...
Being useful and stuff rather than just be some kid needing the adults...
Not that I claimed my independence...
But seriously stuffs you learn at school are useless once you walked out the door...
No one selling y=x+2 outside this closed world called school ground...

Oppressed... Tired... Bored...

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